Pick a Journey.

NAME  Evdokiya VasilievNICKNAME/ALIAS  "Eve" , "Calico"RACE  Keeper Miqo'teAGE  28 Years oldGENDER/PRONOUNS  Agender , He/TheySEXUALITY  BisexualALIGNMENT  True NeutralROLE  Ballet Dancer, Wanderer

HEIGHT 5’0”HAIR  Long multi-colored "calico" hairEYES  Heterochromic Black and OrangePIERCINGS Eve has corset piercings he occasionally wears.SCARS / TATTOOS / MARKINGS A mole under his left eye and one above his lip.AFFILIATIONS  Lapis Manalis - GarlemaldBIRTHPLACE  A small village in the mountains near Lapis ManalisOCCUPATION  Ballet dancer, Escort, Info BrokerVOICE CLAIM  The Doll - BloodborneDISTINGUISHING FEATUREs His Calico Colored HairPHYSICAL DESCRIPTION / FIRST IMPRESSION  Evodkiya has a very passive glare that rests on his expression. He carries himself with a poise that can only be evidenced by his years spent as a highly regarded ballerina. He has a lithe and curvy body, with long dancer's legs.POSITIVE TRAITS  Observant, Patient, CleverNEGATIVE TRAITS  Deceitful, StubbornASTROLOGY  Virgo Sun, Pisces Moon, Virgo RisingTAROT  The Devil Upright

Years of desolation in a life of monotany underneath Garlean authority led Eve to leaving to adventure alone throughout Etheirys after The Final Days. His skills as an accomplished ballet dancer, gained through entertaining Garlean royalty, gives him the grace and agility to be a deadly force to reckon with. Eve is quiet and intimidating upon first impression, however to reach deeper, one would find he has a warm and passive presence but happy to banter and tease anyone that can match his speed. While Eve is heavily affectionate with those with the coin to earn it, he will not entertain any conversations that dig into the raw flesh of his past or his time in Garlemald.

THE OPERA HOUSE Detailing how eve got to the opera house, what he did there, what he endured

THE CRUMBLING RUINS How eve lost the opera house, met zeph and left the opera house and is now traveling

GIVE UNTO ME detailing eve's sex work and his experiences now/what he's currently doing

  1. GARLEMALD - After escaping Garlemald, Eve always tends to have an eye cast over his shoulder, watching for any remnants of his previous life to catch up to him. A caution he takes in result of how he left Garlemald. If your character was among those he intimately "entertained" they may recognize him. Or if they were familiar with Eve's crimes on his way out of The Empire...

  2. BALLET DANCER - Eve has been performing since he was very small. Over the years he's become a well renowned ballet dancer, starring in many ballets in the Opera house he resided in for much of his life. Nowadays he's traveling but still performing at venues as much as he can.

  3. INFO BROKER - With Evdokiya's illicit dealings, while dancing does pay, most of his income comes from trading secrets. Being an escort and entertaining royalty brings benefits. Happy patrons like to talk, they like to spill what hides behind a few drinks of alcohol. Liquid truth that has given him the upper hand. If your character is interested in providing or obtaining information, Evdokiya will be happy to provide. For a price of course.

  1. ESCORT - With Eve's new life, he's joined the branches of undersociety, a place he finds plenty of comfort in. A place he uses to provide comfort to others. He would be happy to provide companionship. ((Please dm me for more detail, I dislike doing random ERP and so this is moreso for a hook point of view where your character may at some point has spent a night with Eve.))

  2. FREE TO TRAVEL - Evdokiya has much to see of the world after spending his entire life in Garlemald. A group of traveling companions would not be unwelcome!

  3. LAPIS MANALIS - After having the time and freedom to look into his past, Evdokiya has discovered his family's connection to the reapers of Lapis Manalis. With a soul stone and a bound voidsent, he's kept both under lock and key. While he's closed off to the idea of opening up old wounds, he still has the itching interest in what kind of power it can offer. The means to never bow to anyone ever again.

NAME  Ylva viator SobolNICKNAME/ALIAS  "Cerberus" , "Ylv" , "RACE  Keeper Miqo'teAGE  28 Years oldGENDER/PRONOUNS  Agender , She/They/HeSEXUALITY  BisexualALIGNMENT  True NeutralROLE  Ballet Dancer, Wanderer

HEIGHT 5’0”HAIR  Long multi-colored "calico" hairEYES  Heterochromic Black and OrangePIERCINGS Eve has corset piercings he occasionally wears.SCARS / TATTOOS / MARKINGS A mole under his left eye and one above his lip.AFFILIATIONS  Lapis Manalis - GarlemaldBIRTHPLACE  A small village in the mountains near Lapis ManalisOCCUPATION  Ballet dancer, Escort, Info BrokerVOICE CLAIM  The Doll - BloodborneDISTINGUISHING FEATUREs His Calico Colored HairPHYSICAL DESCRIPTION / FIRST IMPRESSION  Evodkiya has a very passive glare that rests on his expression. He carries himself with a poise that can only be evidenced by his years spent as a highly regarded ballerina. He has a lithe and curvy body, with long dancer's legs.POSITIVE TRAITS  Observant, Patient, CleverNEGATIVE TRAITS  Deceitful, StubbornASTROLOGY  Virgo Sun, Pisces Moon, Virgo RisingTAROT  The Devil Upright

Years of desolation in a life of monotany underneath Garlean authority led Eve to leaving to adventure alone throughout Etheirys after The Final Days. His skills as an accomplished ballet dancer, gained through entertaining Garlean royalty, gives him the grace and agility to be a deadly force to reckon with. Eve is quiet and intimidating upon first impression, however to reach deeper, one would find he has a warm and passive presence but happy to banter and tease anyone that can match his speed. While Eve is heavily affectionate with those with the coin to earn it, he will not entertain any conversations that dig into the raw flesh of his past or his time in Garlemald.

THE OPERA HOUSE Detailing how eve got to the opera house, what he did there, what he endured

THE CRUMBLING RUINS How eve lost the opera house, met zeph and left the opera house and is now traveling

GIVE UNTO ME detailing eve's sex work and his experiences now/what he's currently doing







Mysteriously, Atlas doesn't speak about where they've come from. Any mention of the steppe earns a short stare before they continue whatever topic was mentioned before. It's clear however, they worship Nhaama, preparing short prayers for those around them. Their skin and eyes terribly sensitive to the sun, they're often wrapped in a shroud or underneath a parasol, with a cloud of Morpho butterflies that seem to follow them. An odd sight indeed for an odd creature such as Atlas.

Legal NameOyuna "Atlas" Kagon
Age29 Years
RaceAu ra
GenderAgender - They/it
AlignmentTrue Neutral
Marital StatusSingle
RoleSeer / Morpho keeper
AffiliationIndependant, nhaama
BirthplaceAzim Steppe

Ethel is embroiled in scandal and rumors. However she doesn't seem to mind. The Elezen woman seems to thrive in her newfound independence from her husband persuing passions she had never had time for before.

Legal NameEthel Alasdair
Age??? Years
GenderNonbinary - She/They
AlignmentTrue Neutral
Marital StatusSingle , Divorced

If there ever was a man that could speak to the beasts that inhabit the realm, it would be Rune. He regards every creature with a measure of patience and understanding, always stopping to go out of his way to display a healthy amount of respect towards every beast he comes across. A retired Gleaner, Rune now runs a sanctuary for the dangerous creatures of Eitherys, a ranch for monsters.

Legal NameRaphael Ambrose
Age30 Years
GenderAgender - He/They
AlignmentTrue Neutral
Marital StatusSingle
RoleBeast Tamer
AffiliationGleaners, Sharlayan